Code of Ethics
(Effective September 1, 2015)


1. Restrictions on Examinations
1.1 A member shall not conduct a polygraph examination when there is reason to believe the examination is intended to circumvent or defy the law.

2. Fees
2.1 A member shall not solicit or accept fees, gratuities, or gifts that are intended to influence his or her opinion, decision, or report. No member shall set any fee for polygraph services which is contingent upon the findings or results of such services, nor shall any member change his or her fee as a direct result of his or her opinion or decision subsequent to a polygraph examination.

3. Standards of Reporting
3.1 A member shall not knowingly submit, or permit employees to submit, a
misleading or false polygraph examination report. Each polygraph report
shall be a factual, impartial, and objective account of information developed
during the examination, and the examiner’s professional conclusion based on
analysis of the polygraph data.

4. Advertisements
4.1 A member shall not knowingly make, publish, or cause to be published, any
false or misleading statements or advertisements relating to the Association
or the polygraph profession. No member shall make any false representation
as to category of membership in the Association, their credentials, their
licensure, and their certification status. All advertisements making reference to membership in the Association shall also list the category of membership.

5. Release of Non-relevant Information
5.1 A member shall not disclose to any person any irrelevant personal
information gained during the course of a polygraph examination which has
no connection to the relevant issue and which may embarrass or tend to
embarrass the examinee, except where such disclosure is required by law.

6. Restrictions on Examination Issues
6.1 A member shall not include in any polygraph examination, question intended to inquire into or develop information on activities, affiliation, or beliefs on religion, politics, sexual orientation, or race, except where there is relevancy to a specific investigation.

7. APA Oversight Authority
7.1 A member who administers or attempts to administer any polygraph
examination in violation of the Code of Ethics or the Standards of Practice
may be subject to investigation, censure, suspension, expulsion, or other
discipline as deemed appropriate, as provided by the APA Bylaws.
7.2 Applicants for membership and existing members are required to be truthful in any written communications with the APA.

8. Dual Relationships
8.1 Polygraph examiners who have multiple types of credentials shall avoid dual roles with examinees, and shall limit their involvement to one professional role with each examinee.

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